Bedtime Stories
Created by Cassie & Jake 11 years ago
Every night, I had the pleasure of reading Henry a bedtime story. Henry loved his stories. Jake and I would get him in his jammies, put him in his sleepsack and start winding down for the night. Henry and I would sit in the rocker in his room and Jake would give Henry his goodnight kiss. Then Jake would leave the room and Henry would look at the door, hoping his dad would come back in and give him another kiss. Of course, Jake always obliged. Jake would leave the room and come back at least 5 times a night. Henry loved it. After Henry got his final kiss from daddy, I would give him a bottle and we would settle in for story time.
I loved reading Henry stories. We had so much fun together. We read lots of books, and Henry really liked the Little Hoot, Little Owl and Little Pig books that his cousins Sophie and Kate got him for Christmas. He thought those books were so silly. Sometimes we would read The Cat in the Hat or Goodnight Moon or The Hungry Caterpillar. But Henry's favorite book in the whole wide world was Green Eggs and Ham. He LOVED Green Eggs and Ham. He would sit on my lap and giggle all the way through the book. He would try to help turn the pages. Henry loved the rhymes. He would really crack up towards the end of the book when we would go through all the ways not to eat green eggs and ham. I would really enunciate certain words that I knew would get Henry laughing:
I DO NOT like them in a box,
I DO NOT like them with a fox,
I WILL NOT eat them in a house,
I DO NOT like them with a mouse!
It's no wonder Henry loved this book so much! After we finished Green Eggs and Ham, he was usually so wound up that I would have to read him a second story to get him ready for bed. Once he was calm and his stories had been read, I would give Henry a kiss on the forehead, put him in the crib and tell him I love him. I miss reading Henry his books and will forever cherish my memories of our nighttime ritual.