The Jumpyard

Created by Cassie & Jake 11 years ago
At around 5 months, Henry really got into the jumperoo Liane got for him. At first he liked being independent and jumping so that the jumper would light up and make sounds. Henry wasn't quite tall enough for his chubby little legs to touch the ground, so we stacked a few pillows and books on the ground so he would reach. He grew so quickly and soon, he was able to touch the ground without any assistance. Henry thought his jumper was so much fun - the jumper quickly got nicknamed "the jumpyard" and Henry went there every day to jump and do his "work." Jake said he would pay Henry 5 cents/hour! He would spin around and play with all of the activities. He would try to reach the birds above him and pull them close to get them in his mouth. Henry loved the jumpyard so much that when Jake or I would be holding him and he would see the jumper, he would start "jumping" in our arms or on our laps. He would bend his knees and move up and down, letting us know it was time to go to the jumpyard. We would oblige and in he would go. He usually lasted for about 20-30 minutes before he would gently let us know he was ready to get out. But he was never sure if he really wanted to get out - when I would go over to pick him up, he would do a little jump, and the music would play and the lights would light up, and Henry would smile and giggle. The last month or so of his life, Henry still loved the jumper, but was starting to get more into his red piano, his building blocks and his building bowls. He would still jump daily, but he had the motor skills to play with even more toys! I often wonder what Henry's favorite toy or activity would be if he was still here today. My bet is he would still love going to the jumpyard.
