Henry's Birthday - May 29, 2012, and the days that followed

Created by Cassie & Jake 11 years ago
Sweet baby Henry was born 8 days late on May 29, 2012 - he shared his birthday with his dad Jake and Jake's dad Kip. Henry was born at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix. The day Henry arrived is no doubt the best day of my life. I never imagined that I could love anything like I love Henry. He was 7lbs, 1 oz and 19 inches. I will always remember holding him tight and instantly falling in love with my baby boy. We learned the first night of Henry's life that he was not into having his arms swaddled. He always slept in the "I surrender" position - arms up above his head. In fact, we had to go buy long-sleeve shirts for him to wear at night! One Henry's second day of life, we were told that Henry had something called hip dysplasia. His left hip was dislocatable - which means it would pop out of place if pushed on. Usually hip dysplasia happens in breach babies - Henry decided to wait until 35.5 weeks to flip around, so the doctors think that is the reason for his hip issue. He had to wear a harness full-time for 5 weeeks that kept his legs in a frog position. Henry's grandpa John called it his "Ironman Suit." After 5 weeks, his hip was so much better that he only had to wear it at night for another 6 weeks and then no more harness We were thrilled since we were told he might have to wear it for up to 6 months. Henry never minded the harness and it did not phase him one bit. It seems like the harness days were so so long ago. So, if you see photos of him in the harness, now you know why! Henry also had jaundice in the first week so we had to put him under the billie lights for a night. I remember sending a photo of him, in his little harness with his goggles on under the lights to my brother David, who made a joke about the tanning mom. It was a rough first few days, but then we were home and Henry was all ours. Henry was an easy baby by all accounts. He was a pretty good sleeper - he was sleeping through the night at 11 weeks. He also did not fuss much. He really only cried if he was hungry, tired or needed a diaper change. He truly was the perfect baby. I love you sweet Henry.
